I am beginning to learn English
when I was a kindergarten, but I did not yet
understand what I pelajari.ketika my elementary
school I took courses at an English institution called TEC.
English is actually not too difficult
when when we
have a lot of
vocabulary and also
we understand about grammer.saya very eager to master
English because English is the first language in
all countries.
awal saya mempelajari bahasa inggris
waktu saya masih taman kanak-kanak, namun saya waktu itu belum mengerti apa
yang saya pelajari.ketika saya sekolah dasar saya ikut kursus di suatu lembaga
pendidikan bahasa inggris yang bernama TEC...
if according to my own
personal, the most difficult obstacle in
learning English is pronunciation and my
vocabulary of English
is very poor.
kalau menurut pribadi saya sendiri,
kendala paling sulit dalam mempelajari bahasa inggris adalah pengucapan dan
juga pembendaharaan kata saya tentang bahasa inggris masih sangat kurang baik.
1. Murni hymn sheet sing from the choir in courses with some good
2. mama and inang they met
at the mall and
they talk the talk, walk the walk during his stay at the mall.
3. elephant in the room was very high and very large among
the other animals there.
4. tiger hunt foxes, but foxes were passed
to the monkeys.
5. all hands to the deck,
as they gathered for
the task.
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